In Vinland Saga Season 2, we see Thorfinn get totally changed. Initially, he was a warrior, but after going through tough times, he started to see things differently and decided to never fight again. However, many fans want to see Thorfinn in battle once more, so they wonder if Thorfinn will truly never fight again.
Thorfinn will fight again, But not like he used to, he will fight like his father, Thors. He doesn’t kill anyone while fighting. He will fight similarly to how he fought Snake in season 2. But there is never another fight like the ones in the first season.
Many fans find Vinland Saga Season 2 boring, and many drop the manga due to the lack of action, but I would say if you’re searching for fights, then it’s not the manga for you. This anime is about peace, and the storyline is so good. If anyone started the manga, I would recommend finishing it. You will definitely like it—the storyline is perfect.
Even though Thorfinn doesn’t like fighting anymore, Vinland Saga still has plenty of action in the manga. Thorfinn fights differently now. He’s not trying to kill his enemies anymore. He only fights to protect people, and he tries not to kill anyone.
This anime really teaches us so many things in our life. It’s a masterpiece anime. This anime shows us how to become a better person.
Thorfinn does fight again in Vinland Saga manga, but differently. He only fights when he absolutely has no other choice, and he always tries to avoid hurting people if he can. He never becomes violent again.